Support Us

Why we want your support

Young people need to know about the impact the built environment has on health, well-being, our relationship with place and the environment. They inherit the built environment we make and we have a duty to explain it to them.

They rarely have a voice in built environment processes - planning, designing, making, managing - which shape our cultural experiences, sense of identity and relationship with the planet.

Thornton Education Trust’s objective is to build capacity, within education and among built environment professionals, to create more opportunities for young people to engage in and advocate for a better built environment.

A bottom-up approach to shaping buildings and places - centred on youth participation, co-design, and providing social value - can help to build the next generation of civic-minded, design-conscious people.

The Thornton Education Trust has quickly developed a trusted portfolio of ways to change this narrative. These offer new opportunities for young people, for educationalists, for built environment professionals, and for the built environment industry as a whole - including investors, developers, occupiers - to help build better futures.

TET offers our supporters and sponsors ways of engaging with our people by helping yo to involve them through your projects and through educational activities

Ways to support us

Support TET directly and our year-round work across all initiative as a partner, sponsor or friend, or you can support a particular element of our programmes for example our TET Dialogues

Support one of our two awards schemes Inspire Future Generations Awards and Architecture into Eduction Awards - three levels of sponsorship are available

Become a Friend - showcasing your social commitment to future generations

Volunteer - give us some pro-bono time, online or in person

Donate - make a regular or one off donation through CAF Foundation