Inspire Future Generations Awards 2023
Winners 2023
Cement Fields - WINNER
Category: Community Engagement
This Must Be the Place
This Must Be the Place is a pioneering placemaking programme of research, artists residencies and co-commissions, created collaboratively with local young people. It aims to enable them to be involved in the development of a new garden city under construction in Ebbsfleet in Kent.
Young people are invited to co-lead the programme, exploring and shaping Ebbsfleet as it’s built and consider innovative and radical placemaking ideas with partners including architects, designers and policy makers
Category: Community Engagement
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community
Colchester and Tendring councils and Latimer by Clarion Housing Group are working together to plan for a new Garden Community.
Latimer recognised from the outset that youth engagement and empowerment were going to be key objectives for the project. The significant timeframe means young people will be its primary users. They therefore collaborated with MATT+FIONA to ensure young people’s ideas and values are placed front and centre.
Allford Hall Monaghan Morris Architects - WINNER
Category: Social Value
Sponsored by Centre for the Built Environment
AHMM’s Partnerships work builds upon the practice’s thirty years of charitable giving and philanthropic support, as well as its active role in educating and developing the next generation of architects. Collaboration have reinforced its belief in engaging with and contributing to the wider world by sharing skills and donating resources in those areas that have the most impact.
Narrative Practice - WINNER
Category: Diversity in action
Narrative Practice is an architectural mentoring and research platform with the primary objective of improving diversity and representation within the profession. The ethnicity and diversity data from the Architects Registration Board clearly highlights disparities. Through Sessions, their aim is to empower young practitioners and students via short- and long-term mentoring support, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds, to engage and advocate for addressing evident inequalities in the field.
POoR Collective x The Office Group - WINNER
Category: Mentoring
Makers and Mentors
To celebrate the opening of The Black & White Building in Winter 2022, TOG partnered with POoR Collective to launch the Makers & Mentors programme. This new mentorship scheme was created to help young designers grow their experience, not just through study, but by designing and creating a physical piece in partnership with an experienced mentor.
Category: Mentoring
Mentoring Future Generations
As a volunteer for Reach Out 2 Kids a small, London-based charity helping young people from diverse and low-income backgrounds, my aim was to inspire, support and bring out the best in these young people through their Design for London competition entries. Given the current UK shortage in engineers, I also aimed to encourage them to consider a career in engineering, showing them that engineers can also be female, from any ethnic background, and with English as a second language.
Catalytic Action - WINNER
Category: Long term programme: Children
Kan Ya Makan Programme
The programme was developed in response to the 4th August 2020 Beirut Blast to give children a voice in the recovery of their neighbourhood in Beirut. It sought to address children’s needs by engaging them in a series of activities that explored their relationship with one another, their community and with the environment around them.
School of Geography, University of Otago - WINNER
Category One off activity: Children
Playing planners: two to five year olds reveal their urban encounters, visions for their cities . The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child requires decision makers to also listen to young children on matters that affect them, but hardly anyone engages with children under five years old. Therefore, we set out to understand young children’s experiences and perspectives of living, playing and learning in an urban environment and how this understanding can be used to support the planning of more inclusive environments.
Category: Long term programme: Youth
Build The Traineeship
Build The Way (BTW) is an innovative nine month traineeship for underrepresented school leavers interested in learning more about a career designing and making buildings, spaces, cities, and communities. Its purpose is to provide alternative routes of entry into the industry with the ultimate aim of further diversifying the profession to help ensure cities are designed by those who inhabit them.
Category: Long term programme: Youth
PLACED Academy
This is a free-to-access 10-month creative programme. It addresses the need to increase greater representation in the built environment, providing a comprehensive programme of regular support for 14-18 year olds across the northwest. The Academy increases participants’ self-esteem, breaks down barriers to professional careers, exposes participants to a variety of career routes and develops a broad range of skills.
Category: One off activity: Youth
Ham Close Regeneration Community Building
The purpose of our work for the proposed Ham Close Community Centre was to involve young local people in the design, layout and internal appearance of the new Youth and Community building on the Ham Close Estate in the London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames, which forms part of a larger residential regeneration project. A prime objective was the fact that youth workers at the club from Achieving for Children (AfC) had raised the issue that young people and young residents of the existing estate had little involvement in the initial design of the regeneration project.
Category: One off activity: Youth
Euston Tower Creative Producer Project
The Euston Tower Creative Producer project was an initiative created in partnership between Beyond the Box CIC and British Land, aimed to creatively engage with the local community of Camden, its businesses and its residents, exploring the future use of Euston Tower. The projects’ purpose was to centre young people at the heart of the development, empowering them to have a voice in the decision-making process, whilst using creativity to discover what the local community wanted to see from any future development and feed this into the design team’s work.
Enfield Council with Architects Jan Kattein Architects - WINNER
Category: Education Collaborations
Clean Air Route
The St John and St James Primary School Street forms part of a new Clean Air route on Grove Street, N13. Delivered by Enfield Council’s Journeys and Places programme with Jan Kattein Architects, the project aimed to improve air quality around the school, enable students to travel actively to school, and make the area greener and healthier. Through our collaboration with schoolchildren, we sought to empower young people to take ownership of public space outside the school gates, stimulate imaginative play and give students the opportunity to put their learning on environmental issues into practice.
Cement Fields - WINNER
Category: Further/Higher Education
This Must Be the Place
In 2022 two groups were set upthrough local schools - at Ebbsfleet Academy (an after school programme for 22 x Y9 students) and at North Kent College (50 x Sixth form art students) - to work with Define, the landscape architects designing a large urban park in the area. Both groups created visual outputs to illustrate their ideas for the park which were subsequently provided to Define:
Greater London Authority - WINNER
Category: Online/IT Projects and Resources
Design Future London
In partnership with Microsoft, the GLA introduced a Minecraft world of Croydon centre to schools across
London, enabling students of all ages to engage with the gaming environment to address real life planning challenges in the city, including challenges around the future and role of town centres, place making, and heritage.
The key learning from introducing gaming was that it created an environment that young people could engage with, and facilitated very different ways of thinking about our town centres future.
forty five degrees - WINNER
Category: Research – Pedagogy or practice based
The Studio: Reflections
The Studio is a practice-based project in the framework of the Erasmus+ Youth In Action program where three European design studios from Oslo, Paris, and Berlin share knowledge around common values on eco-design, learning, and inclusion of youth in creative processes. The project’s main intent is to reflect on learning and design. In a world where we constantly distance ourselves from the physical, the goal of this research is to reclaim creative spaces through design-based explorations.
Jan Kattein Architects - WINNER
Category: Best Built Environment Practice
The projects have significantly shaped the practice; what it stands for and how it works advocating for greater integration between education and practice. The challenges that we face as a society can only be tackled if we work together.
Greater Cambridge Shared Planning - WINNER
Category: Best Local Authority
Greater Cambridge Shared Planning (GCSP) is a combined planning service for Cambridge City Council and South Cambridge District Council. GCSP is one of the few UK Local Authorities that commits resources to ensure effective youth engagement. Since 2017, GCSP has been pioneering transformative ways of approaching youth engagement and architecture education to deliver social value. It has demonstrated best practices through its programmes.
Make Space for Girls - WINNER
Category: Best Emerging not for profit organisation
Make Space for Girls campaigns for better parks and public spaces for teenage girls. A core part of their work is advocating for the highest quality engagement with teenage girls, developing and testing methods for achieving this and pushing for these to become standard practice for developers and councils in place design.
Category: Best Established not of profit organisation
MOBIE’s mission is to inspire, educate and train the people who will deliver our future homes with young people helping to radically improve the way homes are designed created.
The challenges created by MOBIE inspire young people across the UK to share their ideas on the future of homes, places and the built environment.
Shankari Raj (Design West) - JOINT WINNER
Category: Individual of the Year - Established
Shanks’ passion & enthusiasm for communicating all aspects of the built & natural environment has made for an impactful and popular programme which is increasingly oversubscribed both by potential students and partner companies. Shanks works with each partner organisation helping them to design creative, memorable and inspiring sessions illuminating the various professions and areas of expertise.
Tom Davies (Greater Cambridge Planning Service) - JOINT WINNER
Category: Individual of the Year - Established
He is well-qualified in Engagement and Design and comes from a background of planning and urban design. Tom has influenced senior management to ensure that CYP have a say in developments and has been championing the cause since 2017. He has successfully convinced its need and importance and received support from Cabinet Members.
Tom often goes the extra mile to engage children and young people (CYP) who are often underrepresented in the architectural design and engagement process, and to inspire them to pursue a career in architecture.
Christina Ergler (School of Geography, NZ) - JOINT WINNER
Category: Individual of the Year - Emerging
No previous study – in NZ or, as far as we know, internationally- has invited pre-literate children to voice their experiences of urban environments or recognise their capabilities of expressing their own unique views and understandings of issues of space, wellbeing and urban sustainability in an entire city context.
Christina’s work breaks the silence of young children’s voices, ideas and suggestions in debates on just, healthy, sustainable and inclusive urban environments and upsets current planning practices.
She conveys to our university students that children are experts on their own lives and capable of voicing their knowledge and experiences when appropriate child-centred research methods are employed.
Clare Bond, (Sarah Wigglesworth Architects) - JOINT WINNER
Category: Individual of the Year - Emerging
With a focus on SWA as knowledge sharers, Clare, with the ad-hoc support of a small EDI committee, has implemented several education initiatives within the practice, with personal involvement in all of them.
Clare provides a framework for small practices with limited resources to drive forward a clear, considered and measurable EDI agenda, sharing architectural knowledge through thoughtful engagement, education and broader EDI initiatives.
YEP! Youth Engagement Planning (USA) - WINNER
Category: International
Established in 2006, by Founder Corrin Wendell, AICP, YEP! has evolved into a nationally and internationally-recognized, female-led, volunteer-driven organization that actively engages with both planners and youth. YEP! is the only non-profit organization of its kind in the United States that focuses on educating young people from Kindergarten through High School about urban planning and civic engagement. YEP! creates opportunities for youth to meaningfully advocate for change in their own communities and built environments while providing support, tools, funding, and resources to planners and volunteers. The mission is clear: to empower youth to contribute to positive change in their communities through civic engagement in planning processes.
Finalists 2023
Cement Fields
This Must Be the Place
Category: Community Engagement, FH / ED
2-3 Degrees and Landsec
Redesign Camden
Category: Community Engagement, Long Term Programme - Youth, Emerging not-for-profit organisation
Jan Kattein Architects
Cambridgeshire EverySpace
Category: Community Engagement
Category: Best - Built Environment Practice
MATT+FIONA and Latimer
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community
Category: Community Engagement
Office S&M Architects
Pride in Bruce Grove
Category: Community Engagement
We Made That and POoR Collective
Bexleyheath High Streets for All
Category: Community Engagement
Category: Best - Built Environment Practice (We Made That)
Ham Close Regeneration Community Building
Category: Community Engagement
Category: One-Off Activity - Youth
Allford Hall Monaghan Morris Architects
Tower Hamlets Town Hall
Category: Social Value
Category: Best - Built Environment Practice
Greater Cambridge Planning Service
Let’s create’
Category: Social Value, Mentoring
Office S&M Architects
Pride in Bruce Grove
Category: Social Value
Narrative Practice
Category: Diversity in Action, Mentoring
Places of ARcture
Play in Architecture
Category: Diversity in Action
Re-Fabricate and The DisOrdinary Architecture Project
Seats At The Table
Category: Diversity in Action
Category: One-Off Activity - Youth
Category: Mentoring
POoR Collective
Category: Mentoring
Sarah Wigglesworth Architects
Category: Mentoring
National Qualifications for Kids in Urban Design
Category: Long Term Programme - Children
Catalytic Action
Kan Ya Makan, Co-creating children’s environments through narratives
Category: Long Term Programme - Children
Category: Emerging not-for-profit organisation
Greater Cambridge Shared Planning
Have your say’ (HYS) ‘Our Public Art’ and ‘Let’s Create’
Category: Long Term Programme - Children, Best - Local Authority
Greater London Authority
Design Future London
Category: Long Term Programme - Children, Mentoring, Online / IT Projects & Materials / Resources
Henley Halebrown
Young People into Architecture
Category: Long Term Programme - Children
Arkki Croatia
Recycled Old Town Šibenik
Category: One-Off Activity - Children
Bath Spa University
Forest of Imagination
Category: One-Off Activity - Children
Irish Architecture Foundation
Open House Junior
Category: One-Off Activity - Children
Places of ARcture
Museum Design Takeover at Collins Barracks
Category: One-Off Activity - Children
School of Geography, University of Otago
Playing planners
Category: One-Off Activity - Children
Category: Research / Pedagogy or Practice Based
Design West
Shape My City
Category: Long Term Programme - Youth
Build The Way
Build The Traineeship
Category: Long Term Programme - Youth
PLACED Academy
Category: Long Term Programme - Youth
The Design Museum
Ardagh Young Creatives
Category: Long Term Programme - Youth
The London School of Architecture
The Rainbow Reading Room
Category: Long Term Programme - Youth
The London School of Architecture
(Un)Building: Design, Space and City-Making
Category: Long Term Programme - Youth
Architecture at the Edge
Design Lab - Making Waves 2023
Category: One-Off Activity - Youth
Category: Educational Collaborations
Beyond The Box CIC
Euston Tower Creative Producer Project
Category: One-Off Activity - Youth
Category: Established not-for-profit organisation
Cardiff University
A Grangetown to Grow Up In: Children and Young People’s Plan for Grangetown
Category: One-Off Activity - Youth
Young People at the Centre of Brixton
Category: One-Off Activity - Youth
Places of ARcture
Together We Care About Public Spaces
Category: One-Off Activity - Youth
Enfield Council with Jan Kattein Architects
Clean Air Route
Category: Educational Collaborations
Stanton Williams Ltd.
Future Architects Programme
Category: Educational Collaborations
Woods Bagot
Blueprints of Tomorrow: Nurturing Future Architects
Category: Educational Collaborations
Reading Civic Society
LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station
Category: Educational Collaborations
Cardiff University
Cardiff Breaking Barriers Summer School: Building capacity of the future place-makers
Category: FH / ED
University of Portsmouth, School of Architecture
Living Walls
Category: FE/HE
Collective Design Practice
Collective Design Toolkit
Category: Online / IT Projects & Materials / Resources
forty five degrees The Studio
Category: Online / IT Projects & Materials / Resources
Category: Research / Pedagogy or Practice Based
The Glass-House Community Led Design
Design Gaming Workshop Model
Category: Online / IT Projects & Materials / Resources, Mentoring
A Place in Childhood
Teenagers and Public Space in Scotland
Category: Research / Pedagogy or Practice Based
Cardiff University
A Grangetown to Grow Up In
Category: Research / Pedagogy or Practice Based
London Borough Waltham Forest
Category: Best - Local Authority
Center for Architecture
Category: International not-for-profit organisation
Irish Architecture Foundation
Category: International not-for-profit organisation
YEP! Youth Engagement Planning
Category: International not-for-profit organisation
Make Space for Girls
Category: Emerging not-for-profit organisation
Constructionarium Ltd
Category: Established not-for-profit organisation
Category: Established not-for-profit organisation