ENGAGE Toolkit available here

How do we engage young people more meaningfully in the design of their built environment?

Fulfilling social value commitments requires the involvement of all stakeholders, yet the needs of children and young people (CYP) are often overlooked. To address this industry gap, engaging CYP in the built environment through outreach initiatives is crucial, extending beyond mere tick-box exercises. But there is also a need to recognise the value of outreach and engagement beyond built projects and planning applications.

'Engagement' in the built environment can take an array of forms, from one off activities through consultations to long-term co-design processes. ENGAGE seeks to illuminate this diversity, spotlighting the opportunities and challenges of involving children and young people in urban planning and design.

The ENGAGE toolkit emphasises why engagement is essential, providing examples of best practices and adaptable outreach methods for meaningful engagement with children and young people in the built environment by built environment practices and individuals.

The Toolkit was launched on the 26th June as part of London Festival of Architecture at TurnerWorks. with a Speaker Lineup: Antonio Capelao, Architecture for Kids CIC, Clare Bond, formerly of SWArchitects, Dhruv Gulabchande, Narrative Practice, Jennifer Pirie of Henley Halebrown,Tringa Kelmendi, Turner Works, and Victoria Thornton, TET.

Supported by:

ENGAGE Symposium

Last autumn, we organised the ENGAGE Symposium discussing this issue with a number of key stakeholders contributing to the theme. This event was held in association with the London School of Architecture,

Recordings of each session are now available (approx 20 mins) together with a full unedited recording of the full day’s symposium. (click here)

Symposium Themes and Speakers:

Introduction: Victoria Thornton, Chair, TET (click here)

“OPENINGS”: Neal Shasore, Director, London School of Architecture / Part O Commission (click here - note 8 mins into video)


Russ Edwards, Project Director at Latimer by Clarion Housing Group (click here)

Fiona Macdonald and Matthew Springett MATT+FIONA (click here)

Jo Harrop, Director, PLACED (click here)

Stephanie Edwards, Director, Urban Symbiotics (click here )

Claire Miller, Askew Cavanna (click here)


Simeon Shtebunaev, Urban Planner, Educator and Researcher, Youth Inclusion Consultant (click here)

Rebecca Palmer, Senior Children and Young People’s Participation Officer, GLA (click here)

Bonnie Kwok, Principal Urban Designer & Youth Engagement Lead, Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service (click here)