About us

Thornton Education Trust (TET) is a UK-based charity created to advance education in architecture and urban design for children and young people. Young people have a vested interest in their own neighbourhoods, yet are often not part of the long-term engagement process. To ensure that young people’s voices are heard, it is essential to create opportunities for them to engage in the design process. Although some really excellent organisations and individuals are doing just this, the fact is that there are some 14 million under 18 years old in the UK. Without encouraging more organisations and individuals to join this ‘community of practitioners’ , it is impossible to reach this goal.

At TET we see our role as highlighting and celebrating excellent practice, sharing their expertise and knowledge and providing training and strategies to encourage all from this sector to join in this journey. No longer a nice to have, it is a ‘must have’ if we are going to empower young people and children to have a voice about their future whether it be in their community or their creative future. If you too would like to become involved, we would love to hear from you.

Meet the Team

Our Associate are core to TET and support us and each other through:

  • Contributing to thought leadership with content, research and debate of issues;

  • Adding to knowledge and blog posts through sharing sectoral knowledge;

  • Sharing knowledge through networks and social channels

Special Thanks to: Jason Badrock for TET’s branding, Steve Lavers, photographer for use of images, Jeni Hoskin and Sarah Yates for project support

Job Opportunities

Volunteering roles in social media and research available. Contact Christina for details.