Empowering young people in the built environment

How the Trust can help developers and investors deliver social value through engaging with children and young people

Developers and investors work hard to demonstrate the beneficial impact their proposals have on host communities as part of their environmental and social commitments. 

Good practice in this way has become essential to driving good business outcomes. It helps the planning process, occupiers appreciate the wider benefits, as do investors. Social, environmental and economic outcomes are generated.

The symbiotic beneficial relationship between the creators of, and stakeholders in, our built environment and the communities it must serve must be demonstrated. Britain’s planning system manages that relationship within a democratic framework. 

One constituency is however excluded from approving new neighbourhood plans, policies and development – the 14m-plus children and young people in the UK who are under 18. 

Nor does our education system equip this cohort, who will inherit the built environment produced, to understand and help form where they will live, work and play, when they become tomorrow’s voting citizens. 

TET’s ambition is to give young people a voice in creating the built environment and to understand the opportunities it can offer them. 

We can help you work with young people, schools, local government and built environment specialists, to devise and deliver engagement programmes that suit your corporate aims, or support an individual development proposal, directly or partnering with educational or other organisations. 

We can also help you train your whole development team, in house and supporting consultants and contractors, how best to enable young people to engage.

You  can also sponsor TET’s annual youth engagement activities – our TET Dialogues, or Engagement Toolkit, our Awards which celebrate the best engagement or educational programmes.


  • Promote best practice in youth engagement in urban design and planning

  • Share your innovation and leadership with your peers

  • Demonstrate social purpose commitment and value

  • Opportunity to outline development of Social Value Plan

    TET Seasonal Dialogues


  • Demonstrate your example youth engagement in urban design and planning

  • Add your best practice to our ENGAGE Sense of Place Toolkit launching in 2025

  • Thought Leadership podcast with our partners

  • Opportunity to outline development of your business’ Social Value Plan


Inspire Future Generation Awards

  • -Promote best practice in youth engagement in urban design and planning

  • Share your innovation and leadership with your peers

  • Demonstrate social purpose commitment and value

  • Opportunity to outline development of Social Value Plan

    Inspire Future Generations Awards 2024

Creative Thinking Awards

  • -Promote best practice in youth engagement in urban design and planning

  • Share your innovation and leadership with your peers

  • Demonstrate social purpose commitment and value

  • Opportunity to outline development of Social Value Plan

    Architecture into Education Awards 2025

Ways to support us

  1. Support TET directly and our year-round work across all initiative as a partner, sponsor or friend, or you can support a particular element of our programmes for example our TET Dialogues

  2. Support one of our two awards schemes Inspire Future Generations Awards and Architecture into Eduction Awards - three levels of sponsorship are available

  3. Volunteer - give us some pro-bono time, online or in person

  4. Donate - make a regular or one off donation through CAF Foundation