Judges and Judging Process

The independent, fair panel of judges will follow a voting system in their judging  - first in a long-listing and with the final judging taking place in November


Julia Nicholls

Julia Nicholls is a communications consultant with over 20 years’ experience working with architects. As Director of Public Relations at Squire & Partners when the practice moved to Brixton in 2017, Julia led an award-winning creative programme of community collaboration aimed at establishing strong connections with local people, inspiring future generations and actively supporting diversity in the industry. 

Nicholas Okwulu

Nicholas Okwulu is a Community Enabler, Community Specialist, Founder of Livesey Exchange , Pempeople Inc and Engager of Local Residents around the Old Kent Road (Plan)

Professor Rosie Parnell

Rosie Parnell is Professor of Architecture and Pedagogy, University of Newcastle. She is one of the few who has avidly researched this area and publications include Children, Young People, and Architecture

Neil Pinder

Neil Pinder is Head of Product Design and Architecture with over 25 years teaching experience, celebrated for his dynamism and expertise in bringing architecture to secondary school pupils. He is Trustee for TET as well as for Blueprint for All ( formerly Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust). Awarded the NLA (New London Architecture) Hidden Hero award 2021 and A ‘Lifetime Award’ by Sound Advice.

Manijeh Verghese

Manijeh Verghese is the Head of Public Engagement at the Architectural Association, where she also teaches a Diploma Unit. She is the co-curator of the 2021 British Pavilion at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale and is currently on the curatorial panel for the 2021 London Festival of Architecture.


Victoria Thornton

 Victoria has created and developed pioneering programmes including My City Too!, Accelerate into University, Summer Architecture Academy, Architecture in Schools, Architecture of the Emotions, Excellence in Cities. Also Education Expert on the Farrell Review of Architecture and the Built Environment and currently Learning Committee, Design Museum. She founded Thornton Education Trust in 2021.