Inspire Future Generations Awards scheme 2023 - DRAFT
INTRODUCE IDEA OF CREATING A FUND - 2020 saw the launch of TEP’s Environment Grant, a fund established by the company to offer financial support to local activities that can further the environmental profession and raise awareness of environmental issues. This year TEP is proud to be supporting the PLACED academy
(maybe give them an honorary award?)
What about best EDI/Social Value Plan?? (or too corporate).
The 2022 Inspire Future Generations Awards are closing tonight 31st (late entries are being accepted up to 12 noon 4th November); and with the winners announced on 28th November 2022.
Open to practitioners, built environment professionals and the private/public sector, the IFG Awards aim to recognise people and initiatives that have been working with children and young people - helping them to engage in and advocate for a better built environment. They’re the first awards of their kind for all built environment professionals in the UK.
Each year the winning award entries will be added to the TET Resource Bank, sharing knowledge and examples.
The FAQ gives deadlines (including early bird submission date) and other important information and also set out the guidelines for judging. Awards are easy to enter.
All entries, whether shortlisted or not will be invited to the Awards Ceremony.
New for this year:
Many new categories to reflect demand
Prize funds for Social Value, sponsored by Built Environment Trust and School Collaborations by ADP Architecture and Outstanding Individual of the Year categories thanks to our donors.
Discount on multiple projects entries reducing the rate to just £15 on subsequent submissions. Use the code IFG22 if you're an individual, or IFGA22 for organisations
Have your work seen by our quality judging panel including Neil Pinder, recently awarded AJ100 Contribution to the Profession Award; Matt Bell, Heatherwick Studio, Stephanie Edwards, Urban Symbiotics, Julia Nicholls, Nicholls Communications, Rosie Parnell, Professor of Architecture and Pedagogy, University of Newcastle, Francesca Perry, Thinking City and Journalist and Hamza Shaikh, Winner of the IFG Individual of the Year Award 2021
View Video #ifgawards #ifgawards2022
2022 Awards Categories
Some potential themes within the categories #communityengagement #sustainability #wellbeing #urbandesign #planning #regeneration #placemaking #neighbourhoods #childfriendlycities #codesign #youthengagment #diversity #climatechange
Social Value projects
Initiatives for children/young people created as part of a Social Value commitment by built environment practices/companies and local authorities. Sponsored by Built Environment Trust Enter Now
Community engagement
Childen and young people programmes within their own communities which could include co-design or build projects, developing their design skills and expertise, or programmes exploring regeneration, public space or well-being. Enter Now
Diversity in action
Inclusive initiatives that represent young people of diverse communities responding respond to their particular concerns and needs. Enter Now
One off activity - youth
Activities or events for young people that explore architecture as a creative learning tool in an informal setting. This can be a one-off activity or produced or an annual basis. Enter Now
Long term programme - Youth
Activities or programmes developed by organisations, practices or individuals to benefit young people over a period of time, such as a series of workshops or a mentoring scheme. Enter Now
One off activity - children
Activities or events for younger children that explore architecture as a creative learning tool in an informal setting. This can be a one-off activity or produced on an annual basis. Enter Now
Long term programme - children
Activities or programmes developed longer term, such as a series of workshops or a long-term project for children with specific goals. Enter Now
FE/HE programmes
Programmes within a further education or higher education setting that seek to develop built environment students’ skills in engaging young people and communities. Enter Now
IT/gaming projects (new category)
IT/gaming projects or bespoke software programmes developed as part of a community or youth engagement initiative. Enter Now
Research - pedagogy or practice based
There is little research in engaging children and young people in architecture. This category is of particular interest those writing articles, studies as well as full research. Enter Now
Online resources and materials
Open Source resources engaging young people in the built environment that could be replicated or adapted by others now or into the future. Enter Now
Built Environment Practice
Recognising a practice that has developed an outstanding set of ongoing activities or programmes for children/young people, delivered by their team. Enter Now
Local Authorities
Recognising a local authority that has developed one or more outstanding built-environment related programmes for children/young people. Enter Now
Built Environment Mentoring
Practices and companies with an established mentoring scheme for BAME and economically disadvantaged.
International non-profit organisation
Recognising an outstanding organisation outside the UK whose primary aim is to produce built environment programmes for children/young people. Enter Now
Emerging UK not-for-profit organisation
Recognising an outstanding emerging organisation in the UK whose primary aim is to produce built environment programmes for children/young people. Enter Now
Established UK not-for-profit organisation
Recognising an outstanding established organisation in the UK whose primary aim is to produce built environment programmes for children/young people. Enter Now
Individual of the Year - emerging / established
Recognising the work undertaken by an individual practitioner, whether they work independently or as part of a team; someone who has made an outstanding contribution to our theme ‘Inspiring Future Generations’. There are two Individual of the Year awards, one for an emerging practitioner, and one for an established practitioner.
Fiona Macdonald, Matt+Fiona -Winner 'Best Organisation - Emerging' 2021
“The TET Awards are unique in their recognition of initiatives and programmes that aim to address some of the most pressing issues in the built environment industries right now: Namely increasing diversity and creating tangible ways for young people to genuinely have their say.”
Watch highlights from the 2021 IFG Awards
Irish Architecture Foundation’s Blaithin Quinn talks about their 2021 win for their Open House Worldwide Youth Manifesto