Why apply


Winning an IFG Award would: 

→  Demonstrate your commitment to improving architectural education 

→  Promote best practice in youth engagement in urban design and planning

→  Share your innovation and leadership with your peers

→  Provide a platform to showcase and raise awareness of your brand through our social media campaign

→  Offer access to a network of professionals


15th June 2021 – awards launch

15th September 2021 – awards entries close

28th September 2021 – judging takes place

October 2021 – awards ceremony



  1. The education programmes are delivered in a way that engages, informs and inspires visitors

  2. Educational resources and services are provided which enhance the quality of the learners'

Application Fee

The cost per entry is £0 per individual application to cover the administration. Where submitting a school or organisation application the fee is £50.