TET Symposium 13 October 2023
A special TET live event in association with the London School of Architecture
Friday 13 October 10.30-4.00pm
How do we engage young people more meaningfully in the design of their built environment?
'Engagement' in the built environment takes on an array of forms, from short-term consultations to long-term co-design processes. ENGAGE seeks to illuminate this diversity, spotlighting the opportunities and challenges of involving children and young people in urban planning and design, through presentations, discussions, and collaborative sessions.
Symposium Themes:
- OPENINGS: When adults and organizations become receptive to empowering children and youth.
- OPPORTUNITIES: When adults and organizations have the funding, time, professional development, knowledge, skills, or other capacities required to meaningfully empower children and youth.
- OBLIGATIONS: When adults agree to codify child and youth empowerment in organisational policy or standard practice, and build requirements for child and youth empowerment into a system.
This symposium will be the first of its kind to bring together all the different stakeholders exploring or delivering innovative approaches and policies that foster meaningful youth involvement in shaping the built environment by the future generation.
Speakers include:
Russ Edwards, Project Director at Latimer by Clarion Housing Group
Neal Shasore, Director, London School of Architecture
Rebecca Palmer, Senior Children and Young People’s Participation Officer, GLA
Fiona Macdonald, MATT+FIONA
Jo Harrop, Director, PLACED
Bonnie Kwok, Principal Urban Designer & Youth Engagement Lead, Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service
Supported by:
TET Dialogues 20-23
‘STEAMing Ahead? Working Across Disciplines in Creative Learning’ - 3 April 2023 - 5pm
Today there are many concerns about the loss of creativity in the school curriculum. STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths – and other methods are advocating a more holistic and transdisciplinary approach to learning.
What can architects learn from their engineer and science peers – and vice versa – about innovative and engaging ways of creative learning for young people? How might such methods be better built into both school education and professional built environment practice?
Speakers: Kat Dewell, People & Culture Manager, Civic Engineers, Heba Tabidi, Founder, Creative Director and Structural Engineer at Space Black, Chris Wise, Senior Director, Expedition Engineering, and Researcher, University of Bath
Webinar Video view here
‘How do we create public spaces that work for young people?’ - 6 March 2023 - 5pm
Well-designed and maintained public spaces – whether parks and gardens, playgrounds, streets and squares – are vital for children and young people to develop social skills, build confidence and learn to become independent. Yet there are many concerns about such factors as poor design, safety and security of the spaces they use every day. What do young people need in design of the public realm to explore their city with confidence, and how can we bring their views into decision-making on public spaces?
Speakers: Maria Vassilakou, Urban strategist and advisor on urban transformation (former Vice-Mayor of Vienna); Susannah Walker, Co-founder, Make Space for Girls; Shankari Raj, Head of Education, Design West, Saira Ali, Bradford Metropolitan Council, Joanne Harrop, Director, PLACED (Chair)
Webinar Video YouTube (written summary to follow)
‘Designing Better Future Homes for Young People’ - 6 February 2023 - 5pm
The home is our first and most formative experience of the built environment. At a time when the UK - and many other countries - face many urgent housing problems, how can we ensure that young people’s voices are best taken into account when designing and building new homes? And how can we harness their innovative and creative ideas to make better homes for all?
Webinar Video YouTube and summary to follow
Speakers: Abigail Batchelor, Associate Director, Karakusevic Carson Architects, Toni Marie Dyer-Miller, communications executive, Dr Bonnie Kwok, Principal Urban Designer/Greater Cambridge Design Review Panel Manager, Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, Mark Southgate, Chief Executive, MOBIE, Helena Thompson, Artistic Director, SPID Theatre
‘How to embed social value into practice through engaging future generations’ - February 2022
Social value is delivered in many ways - stakeholder engagement, mentoring, partnerships - but all create a more equitable society.
Chaired by Hilary Satchwell - Director, Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design
Speakers: Claire Pollock, Partnerships Lead, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Anna Davies, Director, David Miller Architects, Mellis Haward, Director, Archio, and Shawn Adams, Founding Partner, POoR Collective
Watch the full discussion and download summary here
‘How can new technologies be harnessed to successfully engage young people in architecture and urban design?’ - January 2022
How can new technologies be harnessed to successfully engage young people in architecture and urban design, and make child-friendly cities?
Watch the full discussion, and download summary here.
Chaired by Simeon Shtebunaev - Birmingham City University
Speakers: Dr Sara Candiracci, Associate Director, International Development Group and Lead Inclusive and Resilient Cities, Arup, Dr Bobby Nisha, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, University of Sheffield, Blaithin Quinn, Curator of Learning, Irish Architecture Foundation
‘How to engage young people in sustainable urban design in relation to the climate emergency challenge’ - November 2021
Young people today are spearheading action to try to halt the destructive effects of the climate crisis. The need to make buildings and spaces greener is universally accepted, but what are the examples of meaningful engagement with young people on this issue?
Full discussion - video of event and download summary here
Chaired by Hattie Hartman, Sustainability Editor, The Architects’ Journal
Speakers: Neil Onions - Beyond the Box, Simeon Shtebunaev, Birmingham City University, Sumita Singha, Ecologic Architects